Since kids are often most comfortable in familiar surroundings, and since families are busy, I offer a mobile service. This allows assessments and therapy to take place wherever is best for the child and family; most often this is at the child’s home or preschool/primary school.

Here’s what to expect when you call…

Initial Contact

When you call, we can discuss your child and the concerns you may have about your child’s communication development. I will ask lots of questions so that I can gauge whether an initial assessment might be appropriate, as well as answer any questions you might have.


An initial assessment typically takes between an hour and 90 minutes. It usually begins with a discussion with you about your child, where I gather lots of information about your child’s development to date and about family history. Following this, I will assess your child's communication skills, which may involve structured play and observation, informal assessment, and/or standardised assessment tests.

Afterwards, findings are discussed and a plan made for how to proceed, if therapy is indicated. This plan will be made collaboratively to achieve a treatment that best suits, and reflects the needs of, your child. A report will also be written with the findings, for your information.


Therapy is flexible and is recommended based on the individual needs of the child. Direct therapy sessions can be delivered at home or the child’s education setting, and are generally weekly, but may also be fortnightly or even monthly.

I have considerable experience with parent/carer training and can support parents in executing or reinforcing therapy at home with their child. Such practice is a great way to consolidate the skills a child is developing in therapy sessions. When designing such a Home Programme, consideration is always given to the family's lifestyle, schedule, and preferences so that the fun of therapy is not lost for either parent or child!